viernes, 30 de abril de 2021

Cuarta entrega - Abril

Mi reseña de las cervezas de Abril

This month has been also a good one. The Imperial Pils My Antonia or the Basque Session IPA Shoot the Pier have been really good. One thing that have amazed me this month is that most of the beers I tasted this time triggered specific food to eat with it... was I on that mood? 😎

My Antonia imperial pils - Birra del Borgo

Slightly haze gold honey tone, white dense head that remains for a while, medium carbo.
Smells of sweet and citrus, orange. Bitter taste with traces of orange and malt, bitterness remains after taste, with nice light spice.
Nice rounded beer, taste, smell, body, remains. Perfect for a spring apero... there we go 😋

Lux - La Debauche

Pale ale. Clean amber, light white head that disappears very quickly. Medium carbo body.
Smells of orange peel, flowers and yeast. Taste of citric, hops, orange. Some light bitter that remains.

I like the note on the side:
L’on me nomme univers et l’on me dir obscur. Mais qui vient vers mai recontre mes étailes, et qui m’envoie ses yeux comme on hisse des voiles, connaitra du passé les rêves du futur.
Charles Beaudelaire - Le porteur de lumière

Schneider’s Bayrisch Hell

Bavarian Helles beer.
Clear straw-yellow color, with light white head, medium carbo body.
Smells of flowers, hops and malt. Refreshing taste. Right now, as I am tasting, I think I need some sauerkraut and sausages.
As they state, brewed according to the Bavarian Purity Law of 1516.

Dark sister - Brussels beer project

Belgian black IPA, rich in smells and tones.
Creamy amber brown head, clear brown tone, low carbo.
Smells of flowers, malt and berries. Rich but not strong. Strong taste of malt and citrus, it is requesting some BBQ ribs, perfect match for BBQ sauce. 🍖

Shoot the pier - Basqueland

Session IPA, yellow haze sight, medium white head, disappears fairly quick. Medium carbo body.
Smells of lemon, grapefruit, malts and bread.
Taste slightly sweet, tropical fruits, and bitter hops.
Reminds me of pasta with bolognese sauce and parmigiano cheese 🧀

Öö Imperial Baltic Porter - Pōhjala

Dense strong porter, black dense color, with a brown light head.
Smell of toasted malt, berries and alcohol scent.
Taste of malt, coffee grains, berries and dark chocolate.
Perfect with a wild boar or deer roasted.